Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I've been babysitting my brother's boys while he is at work and his ex wife is in rehab (don't ask...)

The two nephews and my boy makes three: two four-year olds and a seven-year old.

The ex looks like she'll be in for about three months, so it looks like I've got a new gig. I'm loving it! I know this defies logic, but looking after three kids is ever so much easier than looking after one.

My little angel is less reliant on me for entertainment, and I think that makes all the difference.

When it's the two of us, I don't get to think a thought from beginning to end without interruption. It's relentless. But with two cousins to play with, he's happier and I'm happier. I can roll with my own rhythms more, I guess - sending the boys out for a play every time I need a wee break, before doing the next activity.

There's a lot more cleaning up to do, and the odd fight to referee, but it's soooo much easier. I don't end up completely drained by the end of the day.

And we've been having such a great time - making domino lines and banana pancakes, playing hide and seek and jumping on the trampoline, reading roald dahl, watching mythbusters re-runs... I haven't really spent time like this with my nephews before, and it's really lovely. They're such little characters!

My brother and his boys are an all-boy household, and it shows - technic lego, bum jokes and guinness world records comparisons are par for the course in this household. I'm really enjoying it!

I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed hanging out in all-boy households. There's a different energy. The house gets chaotic and messy but somehow it doesn't seem to matter as much, everything is relaxed and 'let-it-all-hang-out.' I'm really enjoying myself.

It's lovely to have an excuse to hang out with the boys heaps. I'm looking forward to the next few months.


  1. This is all so true!
    My two kids amuse each other when they are both at home ... but one child means that *you* are their main playmate.

    ...and you've obviously noticed the extra mess. My house currently looks like the contents of every box and cupboard have been emptied onto the floor, and bunch of soccer hooligans have rampaged through it. This is because hubby has had the last 2 days off work and he is the worst offender at leaving piles of crap everywhere ... and he seems to think that he should be able to leave stuff on the kitchen bench or dining room table and expects that it should stay there for a month ... arghhhh.
    Sorry - rant over - where was I???

    Oh yes - glad you are enjoying this time with your nephews.

  2. Heh, Corymbia - hubbys are like the other kid sometimes, or so I'm told... LOL! Still, he must have plenty of compensatory characteristics, or you wouldn't have married him, right?

    Your description of your house cracked me up - I've been there, many many times! My brothers standards about housework are somewhat lower than mine, and I've realised how relaxing it is to be a slob! LOL! Don't get me wrong, everything is hygienic - but, oh, the mess four boys are capable of making is nobody's business!

    It's a very relaxed, joyful house, though, which is what I love. I think I probably should loosen up a bit, my boy needs a present mum more than he needs a spotless house, you know? Not that I ever quite manage 'spotless'..

  3. I know what you mean - my hoise gets cleaned every week (floors vacuumed and washed, toilets and bathroom cleaned etc etc) BUT the mess that gets made on top of that is mind-boggling.
    When I lived by myself it was s breeze to swish a mop over the tiles once a week .. but I didn't have to spend an hour picking stuff up first.
    But being there for the kids will always outweigh a spotless house here....
