Monday, December 22, 2008

Rubble and bubbly

I'm currently sitting in my house which is now empty, except for a few pots and pans, eating utensils, a mattress and a whole lotta rubble that I should be cleaning, I suppose. I'm procratinating because it's stinking hot and my back hurts from filling a truck with all my belongings this morning. My dear brother helped me lift and move heavy objects, my dad drove the truck and my good old mum helped with boxes and stuff.

Oh my, the rubble that emanated from under furniture and out of nooks and crannies was nobody's business! I kid myself into thinking I'm a reasonably clean person, but whenever I move, I realise it's all a veneer. Argh, I've found playing cards; dust bunnies; dead moths; a library book I swore that I had returned (ooh, the librarian is going to be mad! Dammit!) an embarrassing amount of lego...

I could sit here all day and type out all the embarrassing rubble I've unearthed, but I've decided to go and drink a mini bottle of Champagne I also found at the back of the cupboard, while I enjoy a coldish bath.

I miss my little boy. I feel like a rudderless ship without him, I really do. We're doing Christmas on my birthday (new years eve) and I'm counting down the days.

Oh, and did I mention that I found a dead cane toad at the bottom of one of my cupboards? In behind the vacuum bags that I never use because I've got a Dyson. Argh... I don't know how it got in - cane toads can't climb, I know this because I wrote an article on them once. I suspect that it must have come in when I carried something up into the house. I am shuddering and dry-retching just thinking about having a live cane toad in such close proximity to my body.

I'm not one to jump on a chair at the sight of any creepy crawlies. Old boyfriends have been known to ask ME to get spiders out of the house, ha ha. But there is nothing that can make my skin crawl quite like a cane toad. The one I found had been there for quite a while. It was dessicated and part of its leg bone was exposed. It was, without exception, the most revolting thing I've seen in 2008. Hands down.

Merry Christmas... love Greta


  1. "In behind the vacuum bags that I never use because I've got a Dyson."
    I just read about cane toads. scary, but they look normal hu?
    we have to watch out for brown recluse spiders but thats about it. in our previous house we found a dead one.

  2. I'm with you sista - Cane toads are creepy creepy animals (yet I'm very fond of frogs).
    ...and I like your style:
    "I could sit here all day and type out all the embarrassing rubble I've unearthed, but I've decided to go and drink a mini bottle of Champagne I also found at the back of the cupboard, while I enjoy a coldish bath."
    well deserved bubbles I'd say.
    (and I'm thinking of you today - hug)
